Monday, 28 November 2016

Changes around me

    Many seasons have passed by , I see  extreme changes in society.The way people talk is different and some words that we used as children have taken totally new meanings and we are not able to use them anymore without being sniggered at. When I try to be proper ,I know that some youngsters feel very amused,as propriety  is now dated, mostly old fashioned. "hey, look at those words !Her accent  is sooo different" But I remember the way we were taught to speak,act in public.I am proud to have been brought up like that. We spoke correctly,acted with decorum in public. Every single advice added to the wealth of our upbringing.I have crossed a very rough, very tough path.But I am happy I did.

I now look around me and find that I have blended into this background quite easily though I cringe at some behaviour, some brash language.This in the name of fashion!!When my correct spelling and grammar on the Net is made fun of,I keep my head high ,for I do easily learn the nuances of latest gadgets,am able to be almost on par with the "modern" folks.I enjoy the benefits that these newest  inventions bring- I can talk to my kids far away,know their daily activities. And the distance keeps our relations fresh ,amicable.I welcome every single modern gadget.They have added value to my life,truly so.

Amidst all this,this old timer is VERY amused to find the relationships as sour or maybe worse than before.The gossip mongering is now done through Whatsapp instead of the phone.No one has the time to sit and chat! The proverbial in-laws remain the unwanted weeds.The next door neighbour still remains someone inferior (about whom we heckle) or superior (we feel jealous).Rivalry amongst  friends , now for possessing more innovative contraptions,is still the cause of many a youngster's agony.Yea, I feel  nothing has changed the human mind.The same pettiness still pervades everyone's minds.Two teenagers still gossip about a third youngster , young women gossip about in laws. Nothing has changed much on that front.

Today,I was pained when a young niece,a very qualified ,modern youngster shared her sadness with me.The same feeling of being neglected,not given importance in the household.So what has changed?The exterior is glossy,inside as dark as was before.The human intellect is growing by leaps and bounds.But mind is filled with  pettiness.Maybe someday,someone will invent ways to infuse goodness in human beings.I may not be there but that would be the day we can claim that we have advanced.


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