It was my first trip abroad,I was alone,nervously clutching at my belongings ,waiting at the crowded airport,looking for comfort with someone friendly.I spotted her ,not bothered about the surroundings,exuding an air of confident arrogance,immersed in a book. Ok,she was going to be of some support,I thought. Atleast she would not care much to talk but I could find the company that I needed.
She gave a cursory glance when I found a seat next to hers and------she smiled!First impressions can be so misleading!All my tensions seemed to disappear at the warmth of that smile.Yes,as I had gauged right,she was holding a very important position at work and that was a business trip.I humbly introduced myself and said"I'm just a house wife".She immediately answered"why to you say 'just a house wife'?You are holding a position more important than mine. A 24 hour thankless job,with no holidays,Finance,Marketing,Administration all rolled into one person's role.Please donot underestimate your rank in the family or in the society.And stop calling yourself 'just a housewife'.You are a Home maker,more so a Home Manager"she said,giving me that smile again,reassuring me in a way none of my close,dear ones ever had done prior to that.We boarded the same flight-she went to the Business class,I to Economy but my complexes by now had vanished.I now had a confidence and pride about myself and the journey was not the lonely, fearsome one that I had imagined.
We grew not realising the inputs of our mothers,there was respect,sometimes fear too but I do not think we realised their worth,the priceless contribution that their sacrifices gave us.Our children continue the trend -fathers with the jobs they hold and the experiences they gain outside overshadow the silent,ever toiling mothers at home.More and more women have started being very successful in their careers too.But the back bone of the family still is the "house wife"putting in all her efforts just so that her husband and children gain respect in the society.