Once upon a time long,long ago there lived a simple little girl-pigtails and pink frocks,lots of frolicking , a little of studies,carefree,happy.,shaped by reproaches and molly coddling in equal measures.Oh,life was fun!
Cant forget those days spent in Calcutta,which now seem to belong to a previous birth,for that was an era now forgotten.The sultry weather,the pervading smells of fish frying in a neighbour's kitchen,the noisy crowds,the trams and buses plying ever with people pouring out of them.No other place can compare to this chaos,no other place as disorganised.Yet no other place holds that sort of charm for me ,as it did so many years ago.
Life took me to many other places,exposing me to diverse people and surroundings but a little of that indisciplined ,boisterous background has stayed with me.I can laugh at myself as much as I laugh at others.I can see and feel what others see and feel.I can be bold without being offensive.I can be spiritual without being orthodox.I can be proud of my roots without being cliquish.Oh,Calcutta,my Calcutta!